"We would like to thank Mr Evans for the time and effort he put into the review on our property"
Mr & Mrs K ............ Longfield
As a Landlord, EPCs are an important part of your business, from 1st October 2008 EPCs ALL properties being let to new tenants will require an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). From this date an EPC and the recommendation report must be made available free of charge by the Landlord to a prospective buyer or tenant every time a residential property is viewed and re-let.
The higher the rating, the more energy efficient and the more attractive the property will become to potential new tenants. Government grants are available nationally, to help Landlords improve the energy efficiency of their properties, details of which can be obtained from your local council.
This requirement has been brought about by the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and Regulations apply to both commercial and residential properties that are to be rented or sold on the open market. These regulations are to be enforced by Trading Standards. Landlords marketing their properties for sale or rent from this date without an EPC certificate run the risk of being served with a fixed penalty of £200 per property.
The recent introduction of the Heath and Safety Executive guidelines (HSG274 part2) means that there is now a legal responsibility from Landlords, who provide residential accomodation, to ensure that the risk of exposure of tenants to Legionella is properly controlled and that Legionella Risk Assessments are carried out by a competent person.
Heavy fines and even imprisonment are able to be imposed - Landlords can be prosecuted even if there is an exposure to risk without anyone actually becoming ill or die.
We are able to supply another useful tool for a Landlord, Floor Plans can identify the layout of the property to exisiting and prospective tenants.
Landlords with a large portfolio of properties, please note, we are happy to offer discounts for bulk appointments.